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Basic Plan


Arima luxe

A luxurious journey in which nature and intellectual exploration come together in perfect harmony.

  • Date and Time:-
  • Room :1
  • Number of Guests:
  • Meal:-
  • Transportation Service Car Model:-
  • Pick-up Location:-
  • Drop-off Location:-


-Yen (tax incld.)

Passport Number
Email Address
Telephone No.

Basic Plan

- Yen (tax incld.)

Total Options Price

-Yen (tax incld.)

Total Tour Price

-Yen (tax incld.)

Important Notices

The total price will be confirmed after all arrangements for your request have been completed. Please also be advised that there is an additional 10% Travel Agency Handling Fee required.
The handling of your provided personal information will be conducted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Terms of Use

Travel Industry Terms and Conditions

Arranged Travel Contract

Chapter 1: General Provisions
(Application Scope)
Article 1
The package travel contract concluded between the Company and the traveler shall be governed by the provisions of these terms and conditions. Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by laws or generally established customs.
 In the event that the Company, without violating the law and to the extent not detrimental to the traveler, enters into a special agreement in writing, such agreement shall take precedence over the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 2
In these terms and conditions, “package travel contract” refers to a contract whereby the Company undertakes, at the request of the traveler, to make arrangements for the provision of transportation, accommodation, and other travel services (hereinafter referred to as “travel services”) provided by transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., through agency, mediation, or other means for the benefit of the traveler.
In these terms and conditions, “domestic travel” refers to travel within this country only, and “overseas travel” refers to travel other than domestic travel.
In these terms and conditions, “travel price” refers to the expenses paid by the Company to transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., for arranging travel services, and the Company’s designated travel handling fees (excluding change and cancellation fees).
In this section, a “communication contract” refers to a package travel contract concluded through applications by telephone, mail, fax, or other means with card members of affiliated credit card companies (hereinafter referred to as “affiliated companies”). The contract involves the traveler’s advance agreement to settle claims or obligations related to travel prices based on the package travel contract held by the Company, according to the card member agreement of the affiliated company specified separately on a date after the date on which such claims or obligations are to be fulfilled.
In this section, “electronic acceptance notice” refers to a notice of acceptance for the application, transmitted via an electrical communication line connecting the Company’s electronic computers, fax machines, telex, or telephones (hereinafter referred to as “electronic computers, etc.”), and the traveler’s electronic computers, etc.
In these terms and conditions, “card usage date” refers to the date on which the traveler or the Company is to fulfill payment or refund obligations related to travel prices based on the package travel contract.
(Termination of Arrangement Obligations)
Article 3
When the Company arranges travel services with due care as a prudent administrator, the fulfillment of the Company’s obligations under the package travel contract shall be deemed completed. Therefore, even if a contract for the provision of travel services cannot be concluded between the Company and transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., due to reasons such as being fully booked, closed, or unsuitable conditions, the traveler must pay the Company’s designated travel handling fees after the Company has fulfilled its obligation. In the case of a communication contract, the card usage date is the date on which the Company notifies the traveler that a contract for the provision of travel services could not be concluded with transportation and accommodation facilities, etc.
(Arrangement Agents)
Article 4
In fulfilling the package travel contract, the Company may entrust all or part of the arrangement to other travel agencies within or outside this country, or to individuals engaged in arrangements or other assistants.
Chapter 2: Formation of Contract
(Application for Contract)
Article 5
A traveler wishing to conclude a package travel contract with the Company must fill out the designated application form provided by the Company, submit it to the Company along with the specified amount of application fee, as determined separately by the Company.
A traveler wishing to conclude a communication contract with the Company must, regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, notify the Company of their membership number and the details of the travel services they wish to request.
The application fee specified in paragraph 1 shall be treated as part of the travel price, cancellation fees, and other amounts payable by the traveler to the Company.
(Application Rejection)
Article 6
The Company may refuse to conclude a package travel contract in the following cases:
When there are business reasons for the Company.
 In the case of attempting to conclude a communication contract, if the traveler’s credit card is invalid, or if the traveler is unable to settle some or all of the debts related to travel prices in accordance with the card member agreement of the affiliated company.
(Time of Contract Formation)
Article 7
The package travel contract shall be deemed to have been formed when the Company accepts the contract and accepts the application fee specified in Article 5, paragraph 1.
The communication contract shall be deemed to have been formed when the Company issues a notice accepting the application as stipulated in Article 5, paragraph 2. However, if an electronic acceptance notice is issued in the contract, it shall be deemed to have been formed when the notice reaches the traveler.
(Special Rules for Contract Formation)
Article 8
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 1, the Company may, by means of a written agreement, establish a package travel contract by accepting the contract without receiving the application fee.
 In the case of the preceding paragraph, the time of formation of the package travel contract shall be clearly stated in the written agreement.
(Special Rules for Tickets, Accommodation Vouchers, etc.)
Article 9
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 1, and the preceding article, the Company may accept oral applications for package travel contracts that only involve the arrangement of transportation services or accommodation services, for which a written document indicating the right to receive the provision of such travel services in exchange for the travel price will be issued.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, the package travel contract shall be deemed to have been formed when the Company accepts the contract.
(Contract Document)
Article 10
After the formation of the package travel contract, the Company shall promptly provide the traveler with a written document (hereinafter referred to as the “contract document”) containing information about the travel itinerary, the content of travel services, travel prices, and other travel conditions and the Company’s responsibilities. However, when the Company issues a written document indicating the right to receive the provision of all travel services arranged by the Company, the contract document may not be provided.
 In the case of providing the contract document in the main text of the preceding paragraph, the scope of the travel services for which the Company is obliged under the package travel contract shall be as specified in the contract document.
(Use of Information and Communication Technology)
Article 11
With the traveler’s prior consent, the Company, when attempting to conclude a package travel contract, may provide the traveler with information about the travel itinerary, the content of travel services, travel prices, and other travel conditions, and the Company’s responsibilities by using information and communication technology instead of providing a written document or contract document. In this case, the Company confirms that the information has been recorded in the file of the communication device used by the traveler.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, if no file is available on the communication device used by the traveler to record the information, the Company will record the information in the file of the communication device used by the Company (limited to use exclusively for the traveler) and confirm that the traveler has viewed the information.
Chapter 3: Changes and Termination of Contract
(Amendments to Contractual Terms)
Article 12
The traveler may request the Company to modify the itinerary, the content of travel services, or other arrangements in the contractual terms of the package tour. In such cases, the Company will make every effort to accommodate the traveler’s requests.
When modifying the contractual terms of the package tour at the traveler’s request in the preceding paragraph, the traveler must bear the cancellation fees, default fees, and other costs required to change the arrangements, in addition to the fees payable to transport and accommodation providers upon canceling completed arrangements. The traveler must also pay the Company the prescribed modification processing fees. Any increase or decrease in the travel fare due to changes in the content of the package tour is the responsibility of the traveler.
(Termination at the Traveler’s Discretion)
Article 13
The traveler may terminate all or part of the package tour contract at any time.
In the event of termination of the package tour contract based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the traveler must bear the cancellation fees, default fees, and other costs already paid or to be paid to transport and accommodation providers for services received or yet to be received. Additionally, the traveler must pay the Company the prescribed cancellation handling fees and handling fees that the Company would have received.
(Termination Due to Causes Attributable to the Traveler)
Article 14
The Company may terminate the package tour contract in the following cases:
When the traveler fails to pay the travel fare by the specified deadline.
In the case of a communication contract, if the traveler’s credit card becomes invalid, preventing the traveler from settling part or all of the debt related to the travel fare according to the cardmember agreement of the affiliated company. In the event of termination of the package tour contract based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the traveler must bear the cancellation fees, default fees, and other costs already paid or to be paid to transport and accommodation providers for services received or yet to be received. Additionally, the traveler must pay the Company the prescribed cancellation handling fees and handling fees that the Company would have received.
(Termination Due to Causes Attributable to the Company)
Article 15
The traveler may terminate the package tour contract if the arrangement of travel services becomes impossible due to reasons attributable to the Company.
In the event of termination of the package tour contract based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company will refund the travel fare received from the traveler, excluding expenses already paid or to be paid to transport and accommodation providers for services received or yet to be received. The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not prevent the traveler from claiming damages from the Company.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not prevent the traveler from claiming damages from the Company.
Chapter 4: Travel Fare
(Travel Fare)
Article 16
The traveler must pay the travel fare to the Company by the deadline specified by the Company before the start of the journey.
In the case of a communication contract, the Company may receive payment of the travel fare to the affiliated company’s card without the traveler’s signature on the specified voucher. In this case, the card usage date is the date on which the Company notified the traveler of the confirmed content of the travel services.
Before the start of the journey, if the travel fare changes due to revisions in transportation, accommodation, and other fees or fluctuations in exchange rates, the Company may modify the travel fare.
In this case, any increase or decrease in the travel fare is the responsibility of the traveler.
In the case of a communication contract between the traveler and the Company, if the traveler incurs expenses as specified in Chapter 3 or Chapter 4, the Company may receive payment for such expenses using the affiliated company’s card without the traveler’s signature on the specified voucher. In this case, the card usage date is the date on which the Company notified the traveler of the amount of expenses the traveler must pay to the Company or the amount the Company must refund to the traveler. However, if the Company terminates the package tour contract based on the provisions of Article 14, Paragraph 1, Item 2, the traveler must pay the expenses to the Company by the deadline and in the manner specified by the Company.
(Settlement of Travel Fare)
Article 17
The Company will promptly settle the travel fare after the end of the journey if the expenses paid by the Company to transportation, accommodation, and other providers for arranging travel services, and the handling fees (hereinafter referred to as “settled travel fare”), do not match the amount already received as the travel fare from the traveler.
If the settled travel fare exceeds the amount already received as the travel fare, the traveler must pay the difference to the Company.
If the settled travel fare is less than the amount already received as the travel fare, the Company will refund the difference to the traveler.
Chapter 5: Group Arrangements
(Group Arrangements)
Article 18
The provisions of this chapter apply to the conclusion of a package tour contract for group arrangements where multiple travelers simultaneously applying for the same itinerary appoint a responsible representative (hereinafter referred to as the “contractual representative”).
(Contractual Representative)
Article 19
Unless a special agreement has been made, the contractual representative, excluding the conclusion of a contract, is deemed to have all the proxy rights regarding the conclusion of a package tour contract for travelers (hereinafter referred to as “constituents”) constituting the group. Transactions related to the travel business of the group, and the business stipulated in Article 22, Paragraph 1, are conducted between the Company and the contractual representative.
The contractual representative must submit a list of constituents to the Company or notify the Company of the number of constituents by the date specified by the Company.
The Company is not responsible for any debts or obligations that the contractual representative currently owes or may foreseeably owe to constituents.
If the contractual representative does not accompany the group, the Company will consider the constituents previously appointed by the contractual representative as the contractual representative after the start of the journey.
(Contractual Representative)
Article 20
When the Company concludes a package tour contract with the contractual representative, regardless of the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 1, the Company may accept the conclusion of a package tour contract without receiving payment of the application fee.
When concluding a package tour contract without receiving payment of the application fee based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall provide the contractual representative with a written document stating the same, and the package tour contract shall be deemed concluded when the Company provides the contractual representative with the document.
(Change of Constituents)
Article 21
If there is a request from the contractual representative to change constituents, the Company will accommodate this request as much as possible.
The increase or decrease in the travel fare and the expenses required for the change based on the preceding paragraph are the responsibility of the constituents.
(Escort Service)
Article 22
The Company may, upon request from the contractual representative, accompany a guide with the group, providing escort services.
The content of the escort services performed by the guide is, in principle, necessary tasks to conduct group activities on the predetermined itinerary.
The time frame for providing escort services by the guide is, in principle, from 8:00 to 20:00.
When the Company provides escort services, the contractual representative must pay the prescribed escort service fee to the Company.
Chapter 6: Liability
(Escort Service)
Article 23
The Company or the agent appointed by the Company according to the provisions of Article 4 (hereinafter referred to as the “arrangement agent”) shall be responsible for compensating the traveler for damages caused intentionally or negligently by the Company or the arrangement agent in fulfilling the package tour contract. However, this responsibility is limited to cases where notice is given to the Company within two years from the day following the occurrence of the damage.
The Company shall not be liable for compensating the traveler for damages caused by natural disasters, changes in the geological conditions, wars, riots, suspension of travel services by transportation, accommodation providers, or orders from public authorities, or other reasons beyond the control of the Company or the arrangement agent, except as provided in the preceding paragraph.
Regarding damages caused to baggage, regardless of the provisions of Paragraph 1, the Company will compensate the traveler up to 150,000 yen per traveler, calculated from the day following the occurrence of the damage, within 14 days for domestic travel and within 21 days for overseas travel, limited to intentional or gross negligence by the Company.
(Traveler’s Liability)
Article 24
If the traveler causes damages intentionally or negligently to the Company, the traveler must compensate for the damages.
When concluding a package tour contract, the traveler must make efforts to understand the content of the package tour contract, including the rights and obligations of the traveler, using the information provided by the Company.
After the start of the journey, if the traveler recognizes that travel services provided differ from those stipulated in the contract documents to facilitate the smooth receipt of travel services, the traveler must promptly notify the Company, the arrangement agent, or the travel service provider in the travel destination.
Chapter 7: Guarantee of Mediation Services
(Traveler’s Liability)
Article 25
The Company is a guarantee member of the Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA) (Akasaka Shasta East Building, 3rd floor, 4-2-19 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo).
Travelers or constituents who have concluded a package tour contract with the Company may receive compensation from the mediation guarantee fund deposited by the Japan Association of Travel Agents up to 300 million yen for receivables arising from their transactions.
Based on the provisions of Article 49, Paragraph 1, of the Travel Agency Act, the Company has paid a contribution for the mediation guarantee fund to the Japan Association of Travel Agents and has not deposited the business guarantee fund stipulated in Article 7, Paragraph 1, of the same law.
(Procedure to Seek Assistance for Complaint Resolution)
Travelers may file a complaint with the following association to seek assistance in resolving complaints related to the travel services handled by the Company:


Name: General Incorporated Association Japan Association of Travel Agents

Address: 3rd Floor, Akasaka Shasta East Building, 4-2-19 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Phone: 03-6277-8310

The maximum amount of compensation from the Travel Agency Association’s compensation business guarantee fund related to our travel business is 3 million yen.
(Note: The above compensation limit is as of January 1, Reiwa 6.)

Appendix 1: Cancellation Fees (Related to Article 13, Paragraph 1)

Cancellation Fees for Domestic Travel

Category Cancellation Fee
(1) Package Tour Contract
i If canceled from the day 60 days before the start of the trip, excluding cases listed in (ii) to (iv). 10% of the travel fare
ii If canceled from the day 30 days before the start of the trip, excluding cases listed in (iii) to (iv). 20% of the travel fare
iii If canceled from the day 15 days before the start of the trip, excluding cases listed in (iv). 50% of the travel fare
iv If canceled from the day 7 days before the start of the trip, excluding cases listed in (v). 100% of the travel fare
v If canceled on the day of the trip, after the start of the trip, or in the case of non-contact and non-participation. 100% of the travel fare